The Jewson Western League and Mind in Somerset are returning to Wellington AFC tomorrow (Saturday) to renew their campaign to support positive mental wellbeing across non-league football.

In November 2022, a bucket collection at our club raised £123 for the mental health charity – part of a campaign which has raised nearly £4,500 across the league.

There will be another collection for Mind in Somerset at tomorrow’s game.

Podcast presenter and Mental Health Champion, Ian Nockolds, said: “Highlighting the struggles that so many people suffer with their mental health is not a one-off event.

“We will be back at Wellington raising funds and raising awareness about mental wellbeing, because this is an issue that won’t go away.

“The Western League is a family league and, like any family, we look out for each other. I’m so grateful to Wellington for their continued support.”

BELOW: Pictured in 2022 are, from left, Ian Nockolds, Andrew Pritchard (Mind’s chief operating officer), and our chairman, Mike Hall.