The three Quick brothers swept the board for the first team as we concluded our end-of-season presentations yesterday (Saturday, June 3rd).
Defender Jason won the players’ player and supporters’ player awards while his twin brother midfielder Miles was named managers’ player and striker Jake was top scorer with 16 league goals.
Among other presentations, midfielder Connor Noble became the first recipient of the Lloyd Manning Trophy – in memory of our much-loved friend and team-mate – for reserve team manager’s player.
The full list of winners for the 2022-23 campaign is as follows:
First team – Leading scorer (Jeff Fleet Cup), Jake Quick; players’ player (Selwyn Aspin Cup), Jason Quick; managers’ player (Doug Northam Cup), Miles Quick; supporters’ player (Chairman’s Cup), Jason Quick.
Reserves – Leading scorer, Rohan Poulsom; players’ player (John Stevens Cup), Rohan Poulsom; manager’s player (Lloyd Manning Cup), Connor Noble.
A team – Leading scorer, Tom Scarlett; players’ player (Neil Jenkins Trophy), Reegan Scotcher; manager’s player, Robbie Walker.
Click on the images for names.
- Jason Quick and Mike Hall (chairman).
- Miles Quick and Mike Hall.
- Connor Noble with Mike Hall and Jeff Brown (secretary).
- Robbie Walker, Mike Hall and Warren Toth (A team manager).
- Warren Toth and Reegan Scotcher.
- Warren Toth and Tom Scarlett.
- First team players Glen Wright and Mark Cornish presented flowers and chocolates to matchday helpers Ann Aspin and Jeanette Bird.
- Glen Wright presented flowers and chocolates to assistant secretary, membership secretary and matchday helper Jane Brown.
- Glen Wright presented a bottle of gin to sports therapist Lauren Watts.